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3rd Party Projects

EmulatorJS itself is built to be a plugin, rather than an entire website. This is why there is no docker container of this project. However, there are several projects you can use that use EmulatorJS!


Your beautiful, powerful, self-hosted rom manager

RomM (ROM Manager) allows you to scan, enrich, and browse your game collection with a clean and responsive interface. With support for multiple platforms, various naming schemes, and custom tags, RomM is a must-have for anyone who plays on emulators.

Website | Github | Instructions

Gaseous Server

ROM and title management with in browser emulation

A game ROM manager, with a built in web based emulator using multiple sources to identify and provide metadata.

Github | Instructions

EmulatorJS GameLibrary Extension

Our friend Ramaerel is developing the EmulatorJS GameLibrary Extension.

This add-on reads the contents of your ROM folders and uses it to display the games library. ROMs with common endings (like .iso, .bin or .zip), must also include the applicable extension before it. A list is included in this readme with the additional extensions, and will be updated as I go.

Example: [game].[system].[file extension]
Sample: Crash

To use systems that require a bios, like psx, add the bios under the BIOS folder and name it according to the system and ending with .bin

Example: psx.bin

Installation (WIP)

This is a drag and drop extension, with the exception that it requires something to host PHP files like XAMPP. Put your roms in the /roms/ folder and bios in the /bios/ folder, following the above naming scheme.