JavaScript is required


Code Example

<div style='width:640px;height:480px;max-width:100%'>
    <div id='game'></div>

<script type='text/javascript'>
    EJS_player = '#game';
    // Can also be pcsx_rearmed or mednafen_psx_hw
    EJS_core = 'psx';
    // URL to BIOS file
    EJS_biosUrl = '';
    // URL to Game rom
    EJS_gameUrl = '';
    // Path to the data directory
    EJS_pathtodata = 'data/';
<script src='data/loader.js'></script>


File NameDescriptionmd5sum
scph5500.binPS1 JP BIOS - Required for JP games8dd7d5296a650fac7319bce665a6a53c
scph5501.binPS1 US BIOS - Required for US games490f666e1afb15b7362b406ed1cea246
scph5502.binPS1 EU BIOS - Required for EU games32736f17079d0b2b7024407c39bd3050
PSXONPSP660.binExtracted from a PSPc53ca5908936d412331790f4426c6c33
scph101.binVersion 4.4 03/24/00 A6E3735FF4C7DC899EE98981385F6F3D0
scph7001.binVersion 4.1 12/16/97 A1e68c231d0896b7eadcad1d7d8e76129
scph1001.binVersion 2.0 05/07/95 A924e392ed05558ffdb115408c263dccf


The psx system supports 2 cores

  • mednafen_psx_hw
  • pcsx_rearmed

If set to psx, emulator will use the pcsx_rearmed core.