JavaScript is required


Supported languages

en-US - English US
pt-BR - Portuguese
es-ES - Spanish
el-GR - Greek
ja-JA - Japanese
zh-CN - Chinese
hi-HI - Hindi
ar-AR - Arabic
jv-JV - Javanese
ben-BEN - Bengali
ru-RU - Russian
de-GER - German
ko-KO - Korean
af-FR - French

default: en-US

add the line to your code to use

EJS_language = ''; //language

If the language file is not found or there was an error fetching the file, the emulator will default to english.


Translated for pt-BR by @cesarcristianodeoliveira
Translated for es-ES by @cesarcristianodeoliveira
Translated for el-GR by @imneckro
Translated for ja-JA, hi-HI, ar-AR, jv-JV, ben-BEN, ru-RU, de-GER, ko-KO, af-FR by Google Translate - @allancoding
Translated for zh-CN originally by Google Translate - @allancoding and updated by @eric183


Download the default en.json file and simply translate all the words that start with the - (remove the dash afterwards) then perform a pull request or open an issue with the file uploaded and I will add your work.

The retroarch.json are all the setting names for the menu. They will default to english if not found. You can set EJS_settingsLanguage to true to see the missing retroarch settings names for the current language. You can translate them and add the to the language file. And the missing ones will be pushed to an array EJS_missingLang that you can read from the console.

You can also use the Translation Helper tool to help you translate all the nessasary things.

Please contribute!!

Enything that is incorrect or needs to be fix please perform a pull request!

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